Popping in right now just to share a cool blog I just stumbled into. It's a woman's personal blog about her struggle with chronic illness. Her name is Erica, and her blog is called Determined to Heal. After even a short time on her site, I can say that Erica's take on the world is very down to earth, hearty and real, and her blog is worth a look, because the more people who speak up, the bigger a community can get.
In the future I hope to be sharing a lot more sites and material with you; I wanted a spiffy sidebar thingy-mabob (technical term) to the right, over yonder ------------->, but all it does is provide you with a list of links and the custom 'titles'... While I wistfully dream of a thingy-mabob that suits my purposes in a more intriguing, artistic way instead of just providing a simple link, for now, I'm dealing with what I've got, so Erica's blog is featured on that list (the first link), as 'Determined to Heal PSH Blog' The 'PSH' is the classification of a Personal Story Health blog.
Well, off I hop, for now! Cheers, world!
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