Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It doesn't have to be a groundbreaking post..

I just got back from a vacation.

Things I want to do:
- Make a cool digital photo album
- Make a new meal plan
- Game
- Write
- Rest lazily in bed with Lucy curled up next to me.

Things I need to do:
- Laundry
- Get prescription filled
- Packing for convention (which starts tomorrow)
- Ironing out details for same

Unfortunately, these past few weeks have drained me- moreso than I anticipated.

From the time we got onto the first train on our journey, it was clear that the trip was going to be stressful.

But after four days on two trains, a fullscale eczema flare, several dollars in quarters spent at hotel laundry machines just to prevent said flare from getting worse, and a trip to a local urgent care to re-up my steroid dose, I have to admit that my patience, along with my supply of social niceties, has run incredibly thin.

Frankly put, I'm tired, stressed, fed up and feeling mean as a snake. I'm suffering from a terminal shortage of spoons, and clinging desperately to control of my bad emotions.

I'm just hoping to make it through this without making an ass of myself or saying something unforgivable....

Here goes. But first, a nap.